Msg Box



I've done a code to show a message box before the printing starts to show
how many pages you need to the printing. I kind of "pop-up" box. The trouble
is that you don't have a chance to figure out what It says until its gone! I
would like to stop at the msg box so the user can press OK before it
The code is as follows:
Privat Sub PageHeaderSection_Print(Cancel As Integer, Printcount As Integer)
If Not boPagesShown Then
MsgBox Me.Pages & "pages."
boPagesShown = True
End If
End Sub

Thanks in advance!


Kajo said:
I've done a code to show a message box before the printing starts to show
how many pages you need to the printing. I kind of "pop-up" box. The
is that you don't have a chance to figure out what It says until its gone!
would like to stop at the msg box so the user can press OK before it
The code is as follows:
Privat Sub PageHeaderSection_Print(Cancel As Integer, Printcount As
If Not boPagesShown Then
MsgBox Me.Pages & "pages."
boPagesShown = True
End If
End Sub

Thanks in advance!
You can also make it a Yes/No fiels (or OK/Cancel).

answer=MsgBox("Your messgae", vbYesNo, "Name Pop Up box")
if answer=yes etc.....


Jacco said:
You can also make it a Yes/No fiels (or OK/Cancel).
answer=MsgBox("Your messgae", vbYesNo, "Name Pop Up box")
if answer=vbYes etc.....

sorry, typo


Thank you!
But could you please give me the whole programcode or tell me which part of
the code that should be replaced. It's been a while since I've done it so I
need a step-to-step instruction to be shure that everything will work as
planned! Thank you for fast reply! :)


Kajo said:
Thank you!
But could you please give me the whole programcode or tell me which part
the code that should be replaced. It's been a while since I've done it so
need a step-to-step instruction to be shure that everything will work as
planned! Thank you for fast reply! :)

The actual Idea is that you write the code ;)
I think your problem would be here already. The place where you put the code
is based on a print... but you want the message before a print... I do not
have your complete code either... I can just tell you how to code the
message box.

Privat Sub PageHeaderSection_Print(Cancel As Integer, Printcount As

End Sub

This should become the actual pop-up coding when you are done. I just do not
know where to put it. Good luck

Dim intReturn As Integer
intReturn = MsgBox("This printout will use " & Me.Pages & " pages.
Continue?", vbYesNo, "Pages")

Select Case intReturn
Case vbYes
'proceed to printing
'insert the printing code here
Case vbNo
'cancel printing
'here is the cancelation code.
End Select

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