msg file not a pst file



Hi, I cleaned up my work outlook file (Outlook 2003) so only personal stuff
was left, then I exported my work outlook file to a pst file onto CD. When I
try to import it into my Outlook 2003 at home I get a msg that the file is
not a pst file. I have tried adding it as an additional data file - same msg.

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

DianneM said:
Hi, I cleaned up my work outlook file (Outlook 2003) so only personal
stuff was left, then I exported my work outlook file to a pst file
onto CD. When I try to import it into my Outlook 2003 at home I get a
msg that the file is not a pst file. I have tried adding it as an
additional data file - same msg. Huh?

When the PST file is on a CD, it's read only. Copy it to your hard drive,
and then remove the read-only attribute in Explorer....

Don't import, though. Open the file in Outlook directly. If you want to
change the delivery location to the new file, do so in tools | options |
email accounts ....


Hi, I copied to HDD- it was not read only though. When I try to open directly
I get the same msg - not a pst file. At work we are running Office 2000 on
the PCs on a SBS 2003 Server. All PCs were upgraded to Outlook 2003. Could
this be causing the problem?

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

DianneM said:
Hi, I copied to HDD- it was not read only though. When I try to open
directly I get the same msg - not a pst file. At work we are running
Office 2000 on the PCs on a SBS 2003 Server. All PCs were upgraded to
Outlook 2003. Could this be causing the problem?

Yes, if you aren't using OL2003 at home, and you'd exported your mail to a
PST file using OL2003 at work. Exchange Server doesn't use PST files, note.


Using OL2003 work & home, but SBS Exchange server. When I export my file at
work I exported to pst. Is there something different about the pst file from
a SBS Exchange controlled OL2003?

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

DianneM said:
Using OL2003 work & home, but SBS Exchange server. When I export my
file at work I exported to pst. Is there something different about
the pst file from a SBS Exchange controlled OL2003?

No, not at all. Are you 100% sure the file isn't read-only? and when you
burnt your CD, was Outlook closed, and you're 100% sure that outlook.exe
wasn't running in the background?


I exported to a pst file to hdd and then wrote to a CD. Outlook was running.
I took the Cd to work today to try import/read/fiddle or fix it there but no
good. Must just be corrupted... yes?

Brian Tillman

DianneM said:
I exported to a pst file to hdd

Which will lose data. Never export to a PST.
and then wrote to a CD. Outlook was running.

A good way to trash the PST you're burning. Usually results in a message
saying that the file is not a PST.


Then why have the option to export to pst?
Why does AutoArchives use pst?
I tried with a smaller set (and outlook running) exporting to a pst file and
I could import it back. Why did that work? If size is the issue, how big is
too big? The personal stuff I originally exported and wrote to CD was only
384Mb. Any way of retrieving my files from this file? Feeling desperate guys.
If I have to restore from a backup tape I am not sure how to restore just 1
mailbox back onto the server.

Brian Tillman

DianneM said:
Then why have the option to export to pst?

There are some situations in which it is useful. Transferring all data from
one Outlook instance to another is not one of them.
Why does AutoArchives use pst?

AutoArchive is not the same as exporting and so doesn't have the attendant
I tried with a smaller set (and outlook running) exporting to a pst
file and I could import it back. Why did that work?

You were lucky, perhaps.
If size is the
issue, how big is too big? The personal stuff I originally exported
and wrote to CD was only 384Mb. Any way of retrieving my files from
this file? Feeling desperate guys. If I have to restore from a backup
tape I am not sure how to restore just 1 mailbox back onto the server.

Size is not the issue. The state of the internal structures of the PST at
the time you try to copy it is. If trying to open the PST produces the "not
a Personal Folders file" message, then I don't know of any way to recover
the data in it without a commercial recovery program.


Thankyou for all the replies :) Might have to find a tape backup. Do you
know how I can restore just one mailbox from an exchange backup?

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

DianneM said:
Thankyou for all the replies :) Might have to find a tape backup.
Do you know how I can restore just one mailbox from an exchange

See Recovery Manager for Exchange at - it's an awesome

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