MsgBox Help!




I consider myself an Excel formula expert, but only slightly above th
novice level in VBA macros. Here's my problem.

I have a workbook where I've written about 30 different retrieve macro
(Hyperion Essbase) to update data in different sections of the file.
At the end of each macro I have a msgbox that basicall says "dat
updated". This is fine for running the macros individually.

I'm now writing a macro that will call and run all of the other ones i
a specific order. I don't want the user to have to click OK 30 time
in order for the macro to continue.

Is there a way to make it automatically clear each box and continue.
Obviously I could take the msgboxs off of the end of each individua
macro and it would work, but I'd really like to keep them their.

Any suggestions?




It think you'll have to pass a parameter to every macro
that tells the macro what to do. You could make the
parameter Optional, i.e.

Public Sub MySub(Optional ShowMsg as boolean = True)
'In this case ShowMsg = True if no parameter was given
'Your code...

If ShowMsg Then
msgbox "Updated!"
End If

End Sub

Hope this help!


Richard Banks

Nicke said:

It think you'll have to pass a parameter to every macro
that tells the macro what to do. You could make the
parameter Optional, i.e.

Public Sub MySub(Optional ShowMsg as boolean = True)
'In this case ShowMsg = True if no parameter was given
'Your code...

If ShowMsg Then
msgbox "Updated!"
End If

End Sub

Hope this help!



I don't understand. (Remember that I'm a novice). Should I enter the code:

Public Sub MySub(Optional ShowMsg as boolean = True)
within the text of my call macro, or within each of the individual macros.

Same question for the :

If ShowMsg Then

Tom Ogilvy

At the top of your module put in

Public bNotOK As Boolean

' run if you want to show msgboxes and they
' are not showing
Sub bNotOkFalse()
bNotOK = False
End Sub

Sub Process30()
bNotOK = True
' . . .
' macro30
bNotOK = False
End Sub

Sub Macro1()
' code

If Not bNotOK Then
MsgBox "Done with Macro1"
End If
End Sub

Sub Macro2()

If Not bNotOK Then
MsgBox "Done with Macro2"
End If
End Sub

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