MsgBox in ComboBox Enter Event does not allow update



I have a multipage (mpgLogs) on a form with three pages. I change which page
to display based on the value of a combobox. I want to make sure the user
wants to change the combobox value because I will delete control values on
other pages of the multipage. So I show a msgbox with vbYesNo.

If they click No, I want to keep the same combobox value and don't change
the multipage. If they click Yes, clear multipage values and change the
multipage to the page selected in the combobox.

When the user clicks yes and then clicks a new value in the combobox the
following events fire: 1) down button click 2) mouse down, 3) mouse up. No
change event. The value of the combobox stays at the original value. Why
don't the change, click events fire?

Private Sub cbLogType_Enter()
Dim stMsg, stTitle As String
Dim iResponse, iStyle As Integer

' Define message.
stMsg = "Are you sure you want to change the Log Type?" + vbCrLf
stMsg = stMsg + "Clicking Yes will delete all previous values." + vbCrLf
stMsg = stMsg + "Click Yes to change and No to keep the same Log Type?"
' Define buttons.
iStyle = vbYesNo + vbQuestion
' Define title.
stTitle = "Cancel Log Type Change?"

' Display message.
iResponse = MsgBox(stMsg, iStyle, stTitle)

If iResponse = vbNo Then
' User chose No so just change focus so that cbLogType does not change

End If
End Sub


Sorry, I forgot to include the select case which chooses the page on the
multipage in the Else. Which doesn't work either because the change event
doesn't fire.

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