msgBox problem


Jeff Ciaccio

I would like to used named parameters in a msgBox, but this does not seem to
MsgBox ("Time period 1: " & vbLf & "The ending velocity was " & vel & " m/s,
and the starting velocity was " & vInit1 & ", so the Delta v was " & (vel -
vInit1) & " m/s", Title:="End of first period")

When I leave off the named paramter, it works just fine (without a title).
MsgBox ("Time period 1: " & vbLf & "The ending velocity was " & vel & " m/s,
and the starting velocity was " & vInit1 & ", so the Delta v was " & (vel -
vInit1) & " m/s")

Am I doing something wrong with the named parameter?


Sandy Mann

Try removing the parenthesis:

MsgBox "Time period 1: " & vbLf & "The ending velocity was " & vel & _
" m/s, and the starting velocity was " & vInit1 & ", so the Delta v was " _
& (vel - vInit1) & " m/s", Title:="End of first period"


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Jeff Ciaccio

That did the trick, but how does the following work?? Notice the
parenthesis are included, and this compiles and runs fine. Wierd :)
msg = MsgBox(OutputString, Title:="Your prime numbers")

Sandy Mann

Because the response from the Mesaage Box, (ie the button pressed), is being
assigned to the variable msg. The Parenthsis in you original code was
making XL think that you want to assign a variable and so it said that it
expected a "=". With no parenthsis is just give a message so no assignment
is necessary.


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