I was currently trying to do the answer directly into the MsgBox, but it
appears I need to locate the Answer within the Cell, the cell contains the
formula =Counta "m"
(counts number of items within Column "m") if it could be done directly
without locating the cell with the answer would be appreciated, otherwise I'm
having difficulty in getting the MsgBox to read the answer within the cell, I
assumed it was something like" Range.Value", could somebody help here please.
appears I need to locate the Answer within the Cell, the cell contains the
formula =Counta "m"
(counts number of items within Column "m") if it could be done directly
without locating the cell with the answer would be appreciated, otherwise I'm
having difficulty in getting the MsgBox to read the answer within the cell, I
assumed it was something like" Range.Value", could somebody help here please.