Version: 2008
Is there a version of the MSN Messenger that has video-conferencing?
And its increasingly looking like Microsoft will not be able to manage
before the Universe ends, let alone the human race.
Besides, based on all their other [Mac] software you just know its going
suck big time. (They should stick to making hardware.)
In the interests of fairness I should point out that Microsoft say the
version of Messenger _will_ have this capability. The problem is that they
have been saying this for years, and years, and years, and...
I suggest you switch to using Skype instead. They like pretty much any
developer (other than Microsoft) can manage to produce both Mac and
versions that are equal and compatible. What a shame the world's biggest
(oops nearly wrote buggiest - a Freudian slip if there was ever one)
software company (who keep boasting they have the biggest Mac development
team outside Apple) cannot manage this.