MSN Messenger-VideoConferencing


John Lockwood

Version: 2008

Is there a version of the MSN Messenger that has video-conferencing?


And its increasingly looking like Microsoft will not be able to manage this
before the Universe ends, let alone the human race.

Besides, based on all their other [Mac] software you just know its going to
suck big time. (They should stick to making hardware.)

In the interests of fairness I should point out that Microsoft say the next
version of Messenger _will_ have this capability. The problem is that they
have been saying this for years, and years, and years, and...

I suggest you switch to using Skype instead. They like pretty much any
developer (other than Microsoft) can manage to produce both Mac and Windows
versions that are equal and compatible. What a shame the world's biggest
(oops nearly wrote buggiest - a Freudian slip if there was ever one)
software company (who keep boasting they have the biggest Mac development
team outside Apple) cannot manage this.

Eric Waldbaum [MSFT]

Messenger for Mac 7.0 has been released! You can download the product
the following location:

There's a blog on it at:

MacOffice Testing

John Lockwood said:
Version: 2008

Is there a version of the MSN Messenger that has video-conferencing?


And its increasingly looking like Microsoft will not be able to manage
before the Universe ends, let alone the human race.

Besides, based on all their other [Mac] software you just know its going
suck big time. (They should stick to making hardware.)

In the interests of fairness I should point out that Microsoft say the
version of Messenger _will_ have this capability. The problem is that they
have been saying this for years, and years, and years, and...

I suggest you switch to using Skype instead. They like pretty much any
developer (other than Microsoft) can manage to produce both Mac and
versions that are equal and compatible. What a shame the world's biggest
(oops nearly wrote buggiest - a Freudian slip if there was ever one)
software company (who keep boasting they have the biggest Mac development
team outside Apple) cannot manage this.

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