MSO 2000 SB Disk 1 missing


Charles G

Hi. I have lost the first CD of MSO 2000 SB and I do have a valid product
key. Is there a way I can get a replacement disk 1 please? Or some other
way please?

Charles G

Got one off eBay but it was non-english and i am in the USA. Not much help.
I guess I'll keep looking thru my stuff.


DL said:
No, other than an Ebay or similar, purchase


You have to look before you leap on Ebay, then look again :)

Charles G said:
Got one off eBay but it was non-english and i am in the USA. Not much
I guess I'll keep looking thru my stuff.


Send private email to (e-mail address removed) with name and address & I'll
send copy to you. Remove the obvious from the email address.


NO RESPONSE - offer withdrawn

LVTravel said:
Send private email to (e-mail address removed) with name and address & I'll
send copy to you. Remove the obvious from the email address.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Microsoft no longer has any replacement copies for Office 2000 or Office XP.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, RolDesch asked:

| You can find the information on this page about how to get/order a
| replacement disk directly from Microsoft, actually....
| Cheers!
| "Charles G" wrote:
|| Hi. I have lost the first CD of MSO 2000 SB and I do have a valid
|| product key. Is there a way I can get a replacement disk 1 please?
|| Or some other way please?
|| --
|| =================
|| Charles

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