We have an aspx .NET 1.1 web form. It is programmed to open in Word 2003. I
would like to use some of the style elements in word. We have an ordered
list <ol> element in the page. The numbering is fine except when it goes to
a deeper level. In Word I can use format bullets and lists and choose the
correct formatting. I want it to be 1,2,3,3.1, 3.2, 3.3,3.3.1, 3.3.2,
3.3.3...type of outline. We are automating this report (Word Doc) I don't
want the user to have to manually format the list, can I use CSS style rules
in the aspx so when the document is opened in word, the list will already be
like this? I may need to use MSO style rules. Can they be used in aspx and
passed into the word document (and work properly of course)? I appreciate
any feedback.
would like to use some of the style elements in word. We have an ordered
list <ol> element in the page. The numbering is fine except when it goes to
a deeper level. In Word I can use format bullets and lists and choose the
correct formatting. I want it to be 1,2,3,3.1, 3.2, 3.3,3.3.1, 3.3.2,
3.3.3...type of outline. We are automating this report (Word Doc) I don't
want the user to have to manually format the list, can I use CSS style rules
in the aspx so when the document is opened in word, the list will already be
like this? I may need to use MSO style rules. Can they be used in aspx and
passed into the word document (and work properly of course)? I appreciate
any feedback.