MSO1033.acl Using autocorrects from my flash drive



Hi All,

Y'all really are The Best. :) Consistent... helpful... productive... for many years. Thank You.

I'm mobile. I like being able to use all my Word templates from my flash drive when using other computers. Is there a facile way to use my autocorrects that way too?

(AutoCorrects are usually stored as "MSO1033.acl" in folder "c:/Documents and Settings/my name/Application Data/Microsoft/Office". Is there a simple way to direct MS Word to use the same folder as a template attached to your document.)

Of course it wouldn't take much code to copy the file to the regular functioning location, but I'd rather not create change in the computer being used.

Word 2003 and Windows XP

Cheers . Gil

Gil Carter, MD, JD

60 second peek movies of TSMR in regular use:, the premium & most versatile EMR, in regular use since 1990


Apologies to all. I see this question is a repeat of one I posted two months ago. The posted answer was indeed helpful.
Hi All,

Y'all really are The Best. :) Consistent... helpful... productive... for many years. Thank You.

I'm mobile. I like being able to use all my Word templates from my flash drive when using other computers. Is there a facile way to use my autocorrects that way too?

(AutoCorrects are usually stored as "MSO1033.acl" in folder "c:/Documents and Settings/my name/Application Data/Microsoft/Office". Is there a simple way to direct MS Word to use the same folder as a template attached to your document.)

Of course it wouldn't take much code to copy the file to the regular functioning location, but I'd rather not create change in the computer being used.

Word 2003 and Windows XP

Cheers . Gil

Gil Carter, MD, JD

60 second peek movies of TSMR in regular use:, the premium & most versatile EMR, in regular use since 1990

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