MSORUN.EXE and Power Point 2003


Orlando Gondar

I had been reading and searching around to make sure that when I make a
slide show with
Power Point or Producer, into a CD, it will work ok, no matter if the person
Power Point installed or not.

I found this on

"All of the powerpoint slideshows use powerpoint's native animation code
when converted to HTML. These files have been expoorted using Powerpoint
2002 which will allow the correct displaying of the slide animation if you
have MS office 2003 or 2002. If you do not have these versions of Powerpoint
installed on your computer or if you do not have Powerpoint installed, then
you will not be able to view slide animation. To solve this you will have to
load a file called MSORUN.EXE onto your computer. You can get this file
here, it is 3.5MB so please be patient. An alternative to this is to
download the PP 2003 viewer, you can get this here; the download size is
smaller at 1.7MB."

According to what I read above, people like me that have Office 2003
Professional, dont have to worry
about MSORUN.EXE, since the Power Point Viewer is included when you creating
the "Pack & Go"

I did this and saved to the HD, and the viewer was there.

Is this is true, or I missing something ?


Echo S

The MSORun thing is an Office Animation Run-Time file. You need to have it
installed if you're viewing a presentation that's been saved as a web page
*and* if you don't already have PPT 2002 or 2003. This run-time file is
needed in order for the animations used in PPT 2002/2003 to show up when the
file is saved as a web page (saved as HTML).

I don't know if you need it or not for Producer files.

For autorun CDs using the PPT Viewer, see Make an AutoRun CD You are correct that you don't
need the run-time when you use the PPT Viewer on the CD. However, you should
note that the new PPT 2003 Viewer is *not* included when you do a Pack and
Go. Pack and Go calls the old PPT Viewer, and it does not support the new
animations (and no, the run-time won't resolve that issue). However, if you
follow the information on that link above, you can create an autorun CD that
uses the new Viewer to support the new animations.

Orlando Gondar

Thanks for the info, but.........

Ok, lets rephrase that, on Power Point 2003 ( Office 2003 Pro )
when you click on "Package for Cd", the autorun and the PP Viewer are
You need to do NOTHING, you can burn those file from the HD into your cd
or, let Power Point burn the cd right from there.

I tasted and worked Ok

Echo S said:
The MSORun thing is an Office Animation Run-Time file. You need to have it
installed if you're viewing a presentation that's been saved as a web page
*and* if you don't already have PPT 2002 or 2003. This run-time file is
needed in order for the animations used in PPT 2002/2003 to show up when
file is saved as a web page (saved as HTML).

I don't know if you need it or not for Producer files.

For autorun CDs using the PPT Viewer, see Make an AutoRun CD You are correct that you
need the run-time when you use the PPT Viewer on the CD. However, you
note that the new PPT 2003 Viewer is *not* included when you do a Pack and
Go. Pack and Go calls the old PPT Viewer, and it does not support the new
animations (and no, the run-time won't resolve that issue). However, if
follow the information on that link above, you can create an autorun CD
uses the new Viewer to support the new animations.


Orlando Gondar said:
I had been reading and searching around to make sure that when I make a
slide show with
Power Point or Producer, into a CD, it will work ok, no matter if the person
Power Point installed or not.

I found this on

"All of the powerpoint slideshows use powerpoint's native animation code
when converted to HTML. These files have been expoorted using Powerpoint
2002 which will allow the correct displaying of the slide animation if
have MS office 2003 or 2002. If you do not have these versions of Powerpoint
installed on your computer or if you do not have Powerpoint installed, then
you will not be able to view slide animation. To solve this you will have to
load a file called MSORUN.EXE onto your computer. You can get this file
here, it is 3.5MB so please be patient. An alternative to this is to
download the PP 2003 viewer, you can get this here; the download size is
smaller at 1.7MB."

According to what I read above, people like me that have Office 2003
Professional, dont have to worry
about MSORUN.EXE, since the Power Point Viewer is included when you creating
the "Pack & Go"

I did this and saved to the HD, and the viewer was there.

Is this is true, or I missing something ?


Echo S

Yes, the PPT 2003 Viewer is included when you use Package for CD in PPT
2003. And yes, you can burn those files onto your CD without having to worry
about run-time files.


Orlando Gondar said:
Thanks for the info, but.........

Ok, lets rephrase that, on Power Point 2003 ( Office 2003 Pro )
when you click on "Package for Cd", the autorun and the PP Viewer are
You need to do NOTHING, you can burn those file from the HD into your cd
or, let Power Point burn the cd right from there.

I tasted and worked Ok

Echo S said:
The MSORun thing is an Office Animation Run-Time file. You need to have it
installed if you're viewing a presentation that's been saved as a web page
*and* if you don't already have PPT 2002 or 2003. This run-time file is
needed in order for the animations used in PPT 2002/2003 to show up when
file is saved as a web page (saved as HTML).

I don't know if you need it or not for Producer files.

For autorun CDs using the PPT Viewer, see Make an AutoRun CD You are correct that you
need the run-time when you use the PPT Viewer on the CD. However, you
note that the new PPT 2003 Viewer is *not* included when you do a Pack and
Go. Pack and Go calls the old PPT Viewer, and it does not support the new
animations (and no, the run-time won't resolve that issue). However, if
follow the information on that link above, you can create an autorun CD
uses the new Viewer to support the new animations.


Orlando Gondar said:
I had been reading and searching around to make sure that when I make a
slide show with
Power Point or Producer, into a CD, it will work ok, no matter if the person
Power Point installed or not.

I found this on

"All of the powerpoint slideshows use powerpoint's native animation code
when converted to HTML. These files have been expoorted using Powerpoint
2002 which will allow the correct displaying of the slide animation if
have MS office 2003 or 2002. If you do not have these versions of Powerpoint
installed on your computer or if you do not have Powerpoint installed, then
you will not be able to view slide animation. To solve this you will
load a file called MSORUN.EXE onto your computer. You can get this file
here, it is 3.5MB so please be patient. An alternative to this is to
download the PP 2003 viewer, you can get this here; the download size is
smaller at 1.7MB."

According to what I read above, people like me that have Office 2003
Professional, dont have to worry
about MSORUN.EXE, since the Power Point Viewer is included when you creating
the "Pack & Go"

I did this and saved to the HD, and the viewer was there.

Is this is true, or I missing something ?


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