MSP message - Multiple lines of text in a note.



Some users of MSP Pro 2003 are getting a message box appear when they save
their schedules. The message reads as follows:

'There are multiple lines of text in the existing note. If you change the
note here, all lines of text except the first line, and all formatting, will
be removed. If you do not want to lose any text or formatting, edit the notes
by clicking the Notes button on the Standard toolbar. Do you want to change
the note anyway? Yes or No'

The notes are formatted the way they are entered in PWA. Each note is
entered onto a different line with the name of the person who entered it and
the date. We do not change how the issue is formatted. It is PWA doing the
formatting. Also, the message does not tell me the note it is referring to.

What can I do to turn this message off and make sure it does not alter the



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