MSP Server 2003



Can anyone tell me what the logic is for assigning resources in EPM (server
2003). I have been unable to find anything on the subject....totally
frustrating. I am specifically concerned as it relates to usage of a
resource on multiple projects or even across 2 or more business groups.

Reid McTaggart

If you could tell us a little more about what your question really is, maybe
we can help.

The "logic" of assigning resources in EPM is to gain an enterprise-wide view
of resource assignments to enable better project and resource management and
to improve management oversight and intelligence.


Thanks for the reply, however I am looking for more specific information.
An explanation of the logic and/or how it's applied. I keep coming up with
marketing answers

Reid McTaggart


I assure you that this board is not about "marketing" answers; it is for
straight talk about what can and cannot be done with Project Server, and
ideas on how to get things done.

I, and others, would very much like to help you, but I still don't have much
to go on in trying to understand your request.

Perhaps a scenario would help, followed by your questions about resource
assignments. Are you wondering about the mechanics of assignment, or about
how Project processes assignment data, or about permissions to make

Please understand also that everyone who contributes to this forum does so
on their own time. We simply cannot answer overly broad questions such as
How does Project work. But we are very happy to help with more specific
queries, and we look forward to your reply.


Please don't take offense. I was trying to say (apparently badly) that all
I have been able to gleen from Microsoft is generalized marketing type info.
What I would really like to read is a manual or some other document that
describes exactly the types of things you mention ("the mechanics of
assignment, or about how Project processes assignment data, or about
permissions to make assignments"). Would you happen to know if there is
something on the web or some other method of obtaining this type of info?

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