MSPS 2007 - Question Regarding Converting Resource Non-Working Tim


Tim Mccoy

Is there an easy way to get non-working time from MS Project 2003 (setup for
non-server environment) to MS Project Server 2007 (setup for server

We are converting project schedules from 2003 to 2007 and need to get the
non-working time converted to 2003. The resources are already in the 2007
enterprise resource pool, just not the non-working time. We can do it
manually, but trying to avoid spending the time if we don’t need to.

Thank you in advance!


Dale Howard [MVP]

Tim --

If you had imported the resources from the projects into the Enterprise
Resource Pool using the Import Resources Wizard, the system would have
automatically imported the nonworking time on each resource's calendar in
each project. Given the fact the resources are already in the Enterprise
Resource Pool, you will need to manually add the nonworking time on each of
their calendars. Hope this helps.

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