MSPS 2007 - Two RM's are Configured the Same and See Different Inf


Tim Mccoy

Why are two resources who are configured the same way seeing different
information in PWA?

My expected result is for these two people (Mary and Deb) to see all
projects and all resources. Deb sees all project and all resources however
Mary does not. Here is how they are both setup (identical):
- Type: Work
- Account Status: Active
- Windows Authentication (user logons are correct)
- Timesheet manager: blank
- Default Assignment Owner: the corresponding resource
- Security Groups: Resource Managers
- Security Categories: My Direct Reports, My Organization, My Personal
Projects, My Projects, My Resources, My Tasks
- Global Permissions: Resource Managers default template with no modifications

There is no RBS setup and I have not customized any of the MSPS 2007 default
Security Groups, Security Categories, or Global Permissions Templates.

Sorry for the ignorance; I just cannot figure this out.

Thank you for the help!

Paul Conroy

When Mary logs onto PWA, is her user account displayed in the upper right
corner ? I've seen cases where users credentials are cached, so when they
browse PWA, they are doing so under another users account.

If this is the case, you need to clear the cached user account information
from Users & Passwords in the control panel.

On another subject, if users are in the RM group which is associated to the
My Org category, it doesn't need to be associated to other category (My
Projects, My Resources etc) as My Org implies all projects and resources.

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Tim Mccoy

Thank you for the response Paul and thank you for the hint on the categories!

I looked at Deb's PWA screen and her user account is on the upper right
corner of the screen.

Any other ideas? Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot?

Again, I have reviewed the Deb vs. Mary configuration and swear they are
both setup the same. Maybe I have them both setup incorrectly?

Thank you!

Dale Howard [MVP]

Tim --

Let me know a "second opinion" into the mix concerning your issue. First of
all, have you modified any of the default settings in the Resource Managers
group? If not, then do the following to make sure that Resource Managers
can see all projects and all resources in the system:

1. Log into PWA with administrator permissions.
2. Click Server Settings - Manage Security.
3. Click the My Resources category to open it in editing mode.
4. In the Projects section, select the "All current and future projects..."
5. In the Resources section, select the "All current and future
resources..." option.
6. Click the Save button.

Next, complete the following steps:

1. Click Server Settings - Manage Users.
2. Click Mary's name of open her user account for editing.
3. In the Security Groups section, make sure she is ONLY a member of the
Resource Managers group (if not, remove her from all other Groups).
4. In the Security Categories section, delete any Categories that you
manually added to her account.
5. In the Global Permissions section, DESELECT all of the Allow permissions
that you set manually or using a template.

NOTE: The reason for steps #4 and #5 is because the Categories and Global
Permissions settings are inherited from the Group to which the resource
belongs, and you should only add a Category and Global Permissions settings
as an OVERRIDE to the Group permissions.

6. Click the Save button.
7. On the Manage Users page, click Deb's name and repeat steps #3-6 above.

Let us know if this helps. Also, if you have edited the default settings in
the Resource Managers group, you will need to let us know what you changed.

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