MSQuery - Criteria to remove multiple records based on a single re


Jay Deigh

I have two tables that I'm linking in MSQuery.

Table 1 has Customer Number and Address data.
Table 2 has Customer Number and various Flags (NoMail, Deceased, Derogatory
and many other Flags). Each Flag is stored as a separate record. So
customer 1234 may have 3 (or more) flags loaded. Some customers have no

When I join these two tables with a Left Outer join so that I retain all
Customer Address records, I end up having multiple Address Records for those
customers who have Multiple Flags.

1. Is there a way to force only one address record per customer?
2. Is there a way to insert a criteria that removes the customer from the
address list if the customer has a specific flag? I do not need to remove
the customer if s/he has ANY flag.

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