I've integrated MSQuery in an vb.net 1.1 application through DDE. works
fine, but i've a big problem with accentuated letters when i transfers the
sql request from my program to msquery
ex: "select 'ééé' as toto from titi" gives something like "select '???' as
toto from titi".
the reverse works fine (msquery-->prog) with a text encoding, but no way to
have it work in prog-->msquery direction.
if someone has a clue? (text encoding for msquery DDE entry?...)
I've integrated MSQuery in an vb.net 1.1 application through DDE. works
fine, but i've a big problem with accentuated letters when i transfers the
sql request from my program to msquery
ex: "select 'ééé' as toto from titi" gives something like "select '???' as
toto from titi".
the reverse works fine (msquery-->prog) with a text encoding, but no way to
have it work in prog-->msquery direction.
if someone has a clue? (text encoding for msquery DDE entry?...)