MSQuery DDE and




I've integrated MSQuery in an 1.1 application through DDE. works
fine, but i've a big problem with accentuated letters when i transfers the
sql request from my program to msquery
ex: "select 'ééé' as toto from titi" gives something like "select '???' as
toto from titi".

the reverse works fine (msquery-->prog) with a text encoding, but no way to
have it work in prog-->msquery direction.

if someone has a clue? (text encoding for msquery DDE entry?...)


Cindy M.

Hi Bruno,

MS Query is "owned" by Excel, so you might have better luck asking in an Excel
group. FWIW, MS Query is quite old and works on the basis of ODBC. I'm
guessing you'd have to specify the code page in an ODBC DSN, so you might also
try asking in the data.odbc newsgroup how something like that can be done.
I've integrated MSQuery in an 1.1 application through DDE. works
fine, but i've a big problem with accentuated letters when i transfers the
sql request from my program to msquery
ex: "select 'ééé' as toto from titi" gives something like "select '???' as
toto from titi".

the reverse works fine (msquery-->prog) with a text encoding, but no way to
have it work in prog-->msquery direction.

if someone has a clue? (text encoding for msquery DDE entry?...)

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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