MSQuery Size limitation


Linda Kampa

We are using Windows 2000/Word 2000 to create mail merge documents.
We are using an ODBC connection and MSQuery to retrieve and filter the
data prior to merging.

When trying to select data from more than one view up front, I get a
warning message that the Query wizard can't continue because it cannot
join the tables in the must manually link the tables...

I used to be able to click 'Ok' on this warning and MSQuery would come
up where I could manually link the views and set the criteria. Now
when I try this, however, MSQuery seems to lock up.

I'm wondering if there is a limit on how much data can be returned to
MSQuery? I do not have the automatic query turned on (which we
discovered earlier was causing a performance issue), but for some
reason I'm no longer able to do this.

Does anyone have any ideas what I could look into?

Thank you!

Linda Kampa

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Linda,

Since your problem is within MS Query, and not the Ms Query to Word
interface, I suggest you ask this in an EXCEL newsgroup. MS Query
"belongs" to Excel (that's the dev team responsible for it) and its
internal workings are generally better understood by the Excel folks.

FWIW, have you tried selecting a single table, finish the "Wizard" and
going into the "view the data" view, and adding additional tables from
We are using Windows 2000/Word 2000 to create mail merge documents.
We are using an ODBC connection and MSQuery to retrieve and filter the
data prior to merging.

When trying to select data from more than one view up front, I get a
warning message that the Query wizard can't continue because it cannot
join the tables in the must manually link the tables...

I used to be able to click 'Ok' on this warning and MSQuery would come
up where I could manually link the views and set the criteria. Now
when I try this, however, MSQuery seems to lock up.

I'm wondering if there is a limit on how much data can be returned to
MSQuery? I do not have the automatic query turned on (which we
discovered earlier was causing a performance issue), but for some
reason I'm no longer able to do this.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question
or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Linda Kampa

Hi Cindy,

Thanks for your suggestion. I'll post this on the Excel newsgroup.
When I select just one table/view and then add the additional
table/view after viewing the data, it works just fine. The users want
to continue adding all fields at once, but this is certainly an option
if I can't find a solution to the problem.

Thanks again!

Linda Kampa

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