MSWord 2002 - word.addin.8



Help please!! This is kind of hard to explain but here goes: I'm a medical
transcriptionist so having "expanders" is a very important and necessary
productivity tool for me. My problem is that I have my expanders on my
computer, (specifically, ESP Phrase Expander for Microsoft Word; file name =
ESP.WLL; type of file = word.addin.8) however, I cannot for the life of me
get Word to keep the add-in there all the time. Every time I have to leave
Word to upload files to the server and then download more files, then go back
into Word I have to tell Word to use the add-in for my expanders. Please can
someone help me out?? I've been driving myself crazy trying to get it to
work with absolutely no luck at all. Please and thank you so much in advance
for any help.

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