After installing new printer drivers, I notice that in many of my navigation
panes, including the one you get when you click "Open" in MS Word, now
display all of the enclosed files and folders in reverse alpha order. Don't
know why it's doing this, but it's very annoying. I have certain folders
that I access frequently and I've named them so that they apear at the top of
the list. Now I have to scroll all the way to the bottom of hte pane in
order to find them. How do I fix this?
panes, including the one you get when you click "Open" in MS Word, now
display all of the enclosed files and folders in reverse alpha order. Don't
know why it's doing this, but it's very annoying. I have certain folders
that I access frequently and I've named them so that they apear at the top of
the list. Now I have to scroll all the way to the bottom of hte pane in
order to find them. How do I fix this?