MSWord Mail Merge - Section Break and Header



Is there any way to remove the section break that is inserted after a
merged document? That is, If I have a document that is to only be
merged to one data record, I don't want that document to end in a
Section Break.

The reason I am bringing this up is because I have a merge field
located in the HEADER. If you wind up entering information to your
letter AFTER the section break, and you find yourself on a NEW page,
the header does NOT contain the MERGED data info. It simply contains
the 'Merge Field Name' (not the value).

All this makes sense if I had multiple merged documents, but not for
one. Of course if I delete the section break, I loose all of my merge
field information.

One nice way of getting around this (if I knew it could be done) would
be able to save the merged document once again ... with out any
obvious ties to the datasource. But I tried that using SAVE AS, and
found that the document is still some how associated with the

Thierry Brun

Peter Jamieson

As far as I know, there is no simple way if you are using a
catalog/directory type merge, except use VBA to remove the break and/or
substitute <<fieldname>> in the header by whatever it is you want.

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Thierry,

Use a CATALOG (directory) type of mail merge - then there's no section

Place the mergefield in question into the body of the document and
format it with a style. Use a StyleRef field in the header/footer to
pick up the mergefield's content. If you don't want to see this
mailmerge field in the document, format it "hidden", then put a \*
CharFormat switch into the StyleRef field so that it's visible in the
Is there any way to remove the section break that is inserted after a
merged document? That is, If I have a document that is to only be
merged to one data record, I don't want that document to end in a
Section Break.

The reason I am bringing this up is because I have a merge field
located in the HEADER. If you wind up entering information to your
letter AFTER the section break, and you find yourself on a NEW page,
the header does NOT contain the MERGED data info. It simply contains
the 'Merge Field Name' (not the value).

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan 24 2003)

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