MSXML crashes Word



I'm occasionally coming across instances where attempting to use the
MSXML SAX parser from Word VBA is causing Word to crash. It doesn't
appear to be specifically related to what it's trying to parse because
the majority of the time it works fine and there's no consistency to
when it will crash.

I find simply changing the version reference between MSXML3-5 tends to
solve the problem which would suggest to me the XML runtime somehow
becomes corrupted. It's not long term either, I could switch back the
previously crashing version at a later date and it would work fine
again. I've occurs with versions of MSXML >=3 and I've seen this occur
on several machines.

Does anyone know under what conditions MSXML might throw a fit? Is it
really MSXML's problem or could Word's VB runtime be the real culprit?

For example, I've noticed that the XML I'm generating simply starts
with the top element and doesn't contain a <?xml version="1.0"
encoding="XX"?> declaraion or DOCTYPE. Would something like this

Thanks in advance


Word Heretic

G'day (e-mail address removed),

Just a wild guess: are you destroying your objects when you are
finished with them?

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

(e-mail address removed) reckoned:

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