I've taken one of the template business cards that ship with Pub. 2003. In
Page Setup I've left the width & height as 8.5cm x 5.5cm. I've then set the
page size as A3 (as I want multiple copies of the same card). I've also made
sure crop marks/reg. marks are ticked. However, when I do a print preview or
a pdf of the file (Jaws) no crop marks are showing. Can we use crop marks
when selecting multiple copies?
Page Setup I've left the width & height as 8.5cm x 5.5cm. I've then set the
page size as A3 (as I want multiple copies of the same card). I've also made
sure crop marks/reg. marks are ticked. However, when I do a print preview or
a pdf of the file (Jaws) no crop marks are showing. Can we use crop marks
when selecting multiple copies?