Mulitple infopath forms in one document library



Can you publish more than one form in a form library? I would like a user to
just pick a form and be able to fill it out. I have 22 categories from
excel and creating 22 views kills the form, way to slow to open. The forms
have all same fields, different data but I cannot use the same fields as
sometimes they have to do 2 different documents for a job.

Clay Fox

Hi Jamie

You can not have more than one form template per form library. You can
create links to have links to multiple forms libraries in one place.

How is your form architected? Best practice would be to use multiple views
rather than seperate templates if the dat is the same. The performance should
not be a problem depending on how your data is configured.

If you have some complex relational data then you should look at using a
database and then having InfoPath be the user interface for user interaction
with each record.


Ok. Thank you for your reply. Would the excel be ok to use as a database?
It really relies on this workbook. The forms are only used to get an
approval and update the budget and it requires a signature. That is the
only reason why we are using the infopath (browser based).

Do you have the best information on digital certifications? I understand
how to apply it to the form and how to get a signature on there, however
they will not pay (ex.. verisign or others) for certificates, needs to be in
house. Does the certifications have to be added to the form in order to
make the approved signature to work? Again thanks for your time.

Clay Fox

In that scenario, where you have Excel users and InfoPath and you want to
share data between, best practice is to have a common database.

Excel works the same but the data sits in the database rather than the
individual spreadsheet. Also InfoPath can access the data as needed as well.

For signatures, what are you using for workflow?


Ok well the good thing is, only one person is allowed to update that excel
worksheet and the form would just pull data from there if a user needs it.
Anything that happens on that form, only up to 3 people will be dealing with
that info everytime. Its relatively small. Everything used to be done on
paper and there is no such thing as a database there. Trying to get that
setup and right now I am only familiar with access not sql.

We are using the approval workflows, but it also has to have a valid
signature for IRS purposes.


Also one other thing, I hope it will work

There are two option buttons, if the user choose option # it will change
view for certain fields, and same for the other option button #2. My
question is, as long as the rule applies to switch view and the user fills
out the fields and they save the form, it will stay that way when the next
person opens the form to view it and apply a signature?

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