multi-databases Access 2.0 to 97 conversion




I have to convert ~100 access2.0 databases to access97
these databases contain only tables (no queries, no reports)

somebody would have a solution, code example, to automate this process ?

i try using the command line, but i don't know how to manage errors.

Thanks for your help.


david epsom dot com dot au

dim dbe as dao.dbEngine

if dir(sNewDBFullPath) <> "" then kill sNewDBFullPath
dbe.CompactDatabase sOldDBFullPath, sNewDBFullPath, dao.dbLangGeneral,
if dir(sNewDBFullPath) <> "" then
kill sOldDBFullPath
FileCopy sNewDBFullPath, sOldDBFullPath

This affects only the version of the data format of newdb and doesn't affect
the version of any Microsoft Access-defined objects, such as forms and
reports. You will no longer be able to open the files in Access 2.0. You
will still see the Access 'conversion' dialog the first time you open the
files in Access 97, even if there are no Access objects to convert.

Access 95 (Jet 3.0) and Access 97 (Jet 3.5) both used the Version30 file


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