Multi-layer list doesn't - Word 2007



I am creating a Document in Word 2007.
I have bullet points 1 to 4. In point 4 I wish to create sub-points. I click
on Multi-list in the paragraph section, and choose the format of the
I can't get the sub-lists to start - what am I not doing? If I hit "return"
I don't get the first point in the sub-list (ie 4.1) I get the next point as

Stefan Blom

You can use Alt+Shift+Right arrow to change to a lower list level. (And,
conversely, use Alt+Shift+Left arrow to promote the numbering level.)

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message news:uaeOYXo$HHA.3848@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...


Gordon said:
I am creating a Document in Word 2007.
I have bullet points 1 to 4. In point 4 I wish to create sub-points. I
click on Multi-list in the paragraph section, and choose the format of the
I can't get the sub-lists to start - what am I not doing? If I hit
"return" I don't get the first point in the sub-list (ie 4.1) I get the
next point as 5.

Found it - not very intuitive, is it?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

There are several other ways to Promote/Demote, but the assumption (in every
version of Word) is that you want to continue at the same level until you
take specific action to change the level.

Stefan Blom

But note (which I recently did) that in Word 2007, if you press Enter
multiple times in a numbered list (without typing any text), the numbering
will be promoted until the top-level is reached, and then at the top level
the numbering will be removed. Of course, this doesn't work if numbering is
attached to styles and a different "Style for following paragraph" is

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

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