Multi-level lists

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Confused about lists

I have an existing document that was manually outlined (1, 1.1, 1.1.1 etc).
Is there a way to automatically select the multi-level list and create a new
list. I would like to take advantage of autonumbering.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

For information about how to set up the numbering, see the following page of
fellow MVP Shauna Kelly's website:

How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in your Microsoft Word
document at:

If you create a template that incorporates your numbering scheme, you can
use that template as the basis for new documents (using File > New) and
those documents will inherit the numbering scheme that you have set up. For
more on creating templates, see:

Creating a Template - The Basics (Part I)

Creating a Template (Part II)

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

Pamelia Caswell via

Learning how to set up multilevel list numbering from scratch (or nearly so)
, to me, is never a waste of time, but more often than not, people can use
one of Word's built-in lists with little or no tweaking.

If your "manually outlined" means manually outline-numbered headings and if
those headings are in Word's built-in heading styles, then

For W2007 you can place the cursor in the first heading 1 paragraph style in
the document, click the multilevel list button, then from the multilevel
list gallery click the built-in icon that says 1 Heading 1, 1.1 Heading 2,
... To check whether the setting are what you want, go back into the
multilevel list gallery and at the bottom choose "Define new multilevel list".
Word will present you with the list settings you just chose ready for your
changes. The guidance on Shauna Kelly's site will help you understand the
dialog and what you can do.

For W2003, modify the numbering of the heading 1 paragraph style, then from
the outline numbered list gallery (or similar name), click the icon the says
1 Heading 1, 1.1 Heading 2, ... .

To check whether the setting are what you want, go back into the multilevel
list gallery and at the bottom choose "Define new multilevel list" (or click
the customize button in W2003 & before) Word will present you with the list
settings you just chose ready for your changes. The guidance on Shauna
Kelly's site will help you understand the dialog and what you can do.

In your document, you'll have to remove the manual numbers. Someone here may
help you with a search strategy or a macro to take care of them. If the auto
numbers are not right, look first for formatting errors (such as empty
returns in a heading paragraph style and paragraphs that look like they are
in the heading style but are not).


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