Multi-Page Word Docs not paging


John Sutton

Any multi-page documents that are printed are printing all content on
a single page.

Documents are located on a server, and when printed at other
workstations, they print correctly. Documents printed from another
workstation and routed to this printer print correctly.

I have performed an office Repair and Reinstall, seems to have had no

Computer is WinXP and word is Office 2003.


Stefan Blom

See if this suggestion from Bob Buckland (on a similar issue) will help:

It's a bug that is apparently related to an interaction between Word
Add-ins (Redaction is one) and some printer drivers and Word temp files.

You can often undo it by using File=>Print and switching to another printer
then back, or close Word and recycle the files you find
then restart Word.

John Sutton

Thanks Stefan, that worked (the option to delete the .tmp files).
If you have the time, where would I have found the suggestion from Bob
Buckland? I hate to think I haven't looked very well, I spent some
time in these newsgroups looking.... :)


Suzanne S. Barnhill

FWIW, yours is the first post I've seen describing *pages* bunching up. Most
of the posts have described lines of type piling on top of themselves. The
descriptions are so varied that it's almost impossible to find a reasonable
search term. The subject line of the post of Bob's that I have saved is
"Word is removing spaces, stacking all characters in one space," which
seemed to me pretty definitive, but there are plenty of other ways to
describe it.

John Sutton

Thanks Suzanne, it was like one page printed on top of another, no
form feed.


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