I have a user form containing a multi select list box
based on names of worksheets in a workbook (but not all of
them mind). I have written the code when I need to work
on all of the selected worksheets at once, ie
However what would be the correct syntax (I'm guessing at
For Each), to select the chosen sheets one at a time, then
loop to the next one. You've probably guessed that
there's some stuff going on in between the loop but I'm ok
with the VBA for that.
I've tried
For Each Worksheets.(asheets) in This Workbook but excel
didn't like that. It's pitiful I know, so pls don't laugh.
Any help is appreciated
Thanks, Jacqui
The code is as follow
Dim i As Integer
Dim aSheets() As String
Dim lListItem As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
lIndex = -1
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For lListItem = 0 To LstSheet.ListCount - 1
If LstSheet.Selected(lListItem) Then
lIndex = lIndex + 1
ReDim Preserve aSheets(0 To lIndex)
aSheets(lIndex) = LstSheet.List(lListItem)
End If
Next lListItem
there's lots of other code in here but I won't bore you
with that
ElseIf OptPrint.Value = True And lIndex > -1 Then
this is where I need some help!
based on names of worksheets in a workbook (but not all of
them mind). I have written the code when I need to work
on all of the selected worksheets at once, ie
However what would be the correct syntax (I'm guessing at
For Each), to select the chosen sheets one at a time, then
loop to the next one. You've probably guessed that
there's some stuff going on in between the loop but I'm ok
with the VBA for that.
I've tried
For Each Worksheets.(asheets) in This Workbook but excel
didn't like that. It's pitiful I know, so pls don't laugh.
Any help is appreciated
Thanks, Jacqui
The code is as follow
Dim i As Integer
Dim aSheets() As String
Dim lListItem As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
lIndex = -1
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For lListItem = 0 To LstSheet.ListCount - 1
If LstSheet.Selected(lListItem) Then
lIndex = lIndex + 1
ReDim Preserve aSheets(0 To lIndex)
aSheets(lIndex) = LstSheet.List(lListItem)
End If
Next lListItem
there's lots of other code in here but I won't bore you
with that
ElseIf OptPrint.Value = True And lIndex > -1 Then
this is where I need some help!