Many thanks for your useful pointer. I have successfully created the
multi-select listbox for the report but have the following points that
need your further advice.
1. I changed your example with following area and works. Are they all
about the variables to be changed?
Remove the single quote of 'strDelim = .... as the field is text.
Replace strDoc with my report name.
Replace [CategoryID] with the field to which the criteria is set.
2. Regarding the notes 2, you mention the column() property is
zero-based. I am using Access 2003 and the listbox has three fields and
the field is used to be set the criteria is the second one. According
to your notes2, I should set bound column to 1 but I need to set to 2 to
make it work. Did I misunderstand your meaning?
Use a multi-select list box to filter a report
I have a report based on a parameter query to select the data for my
report. Now, I need to select more than one name in a name field so I
think I need to change to multi-select listbox to accomplish it. Can
someone give me a sample to construct it.