Any luck finding an answer to this? I'm trying to do the
same thing. I know that you need to first loop through
the list box and create a string containing all selected
values with some sort of delimeter like "," or in my case
below, I'm inserting repeated pieces of the WHERE
clause. For example:
For Each varItem In Me.MYLISTBOX.ItemsSelected
strCriteria = strCriteria & "table.column = " & Chr(34) &
Me.MYLISTBOX.ItemData(varItem) & Chr(34) & " OR "
Next varItem
Then I remove the trailing " OR " from the string as
If Len(strCriteria) > 0 Then
strCriteria = Left(strCriteriaAppt, Len
(strCriteriaAppt) - 3)
End If
This gives you a string with the selected values ready
for referencing in a query's WHERE clause, but I haven't
been successful in passing it as a parameter into a saved
query. I tried assigning the entire string to a text
control on a form (e.g., txtCriteria = strCriteria) , and
then referring to the text control in the saved query
criteria field (e.g., Forms!frmName!txtCriteria), but
that didn't work. If you know how, or found another
route I'd appreciate any advice.
same thing. I know that you need to first loop through
the list box and create a string containing all selected
values with some sort of delimeter like "," or in my case
below, I'm inserting repeated pieces of the WHERE
clause. For example:
For Each varItem In Me.MYLISTBOX.ItemsSelected
strCriteria = strCriteria & "table.column = " & Chr(34) &
Me.MYLISTBOX.ItemData(varItem) & Chr(34) & " OR "
Next varItem
Then I remove the trailing " OR " from the string as
If Len(strCriteria) > 0 Then
strCriteria = Left(strCriteriaAppt, Len
(strCriteriaAppt) - 3)
End If
This gives you a string with the selected values ready
for referencing in a query's WHERE clause, but I haven't
been successful in passing it as a parameter into a saved
query. I tried assigning the entire string to a text
control on a form (e.g., txtCriteria = strCriteria) , and
then referring to the text control in the saved query
criteria field (e.g., Forms!frmName!txtCriteria), but
that didn't work. If you know how, or found another
route I'd appreciate any advice.