multi-user 2K clients under a domain


B. Meincke

I administer to installations of MS O2K for a continuing education high
school. There are many Win 2K clients under a 2K Server domain, each to
provide students the Office applications.

Our problem is avoiding having Office apps look to install everytime a new
user tries to open one. I have tried many ways of performing the initial
setup installation; from installing from a central network location on the
server, to copying the files to a local folder on each client's boot drive
and installing from there. I have even tried making sure the local folder was
given read permission to everyone (our student account permissions are
limited, of course!) I still have apps looking to install for new users on
their initial launch. This makes novice students anxious even when the
attempted installation is successful, which it often is not, (especially when
launching Access for some reason.)

The thing I don't understand is, I have opted in all setup attempts to "Run
all from my computer" and when Access (a disk 1 application under O2K Pro) is
launched, it is a feature from disk 2 that is attempting to install???

Long story short, is there *any* possible way I can avoid this and have all
Office applications open obediently for all users under a Windows 2K domain?

Thanks in advance for any insight,

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