help! Here goes…..I am finally finished exporting an Excel spreadshee
that contained over 6,000 entries into a continuous form in Access 2003
and before I move it to the shared drive, I have a fe
I work with a group of employees totaling 15. Out of the 15 of us,
will be issued editing rights, and the others read only rights and
will be the administrator/creator/owner of the database. Here are m
1. It is a MUST that the 4 with editing rights be able to work in th
same form, (the form consists of daily updates i.e.: (purging
entering, deleting and fixing of data) in different areas of this form
and maybe at the same time?
2. In addition, will the 4 of us be able to save the updates entere
separately, and have the most recent data which was entered updated fo
others to view? (I know in Excel we were able to do so).
3. Will the users with read only rights be able to fill out other form
in the database or should I assign some degree of editing rights?
4. Also, although rare, will there be a problem if all 15 employees ar
in the same database completing other forms at the same time?
5. We have a few employees who work from home and log into our syste
via Citrix. Will they have a problem logging into the database an
completing the forms?
This is where I am CLUELESS and need help DESPERATELY!! Is there
step by step way of doing this? (please say yes! please say yes!) I a
sure I will need to create a shortcut for all users and I will als
need help on how to do that also. Currently, there is no user id o
password set up for anyone of us since we have a specific shared driv
designated for our group/department.
I welcome any suggestions you may have.