Multilevel numbered doc in 2010 - keep headers with first paragraphs



I'm working with a document in Word 2010 and it's in multilevel numbered format. I'm ending up with this: I'll have a header at the bottom of a page,and its first paragraph starts on the next page. I've tried "keep with next", I've tried using shift-enter between the header and the paragraph, andneither works reliably. Keep with next does nothing I can see, although shift-enter will *sometimes* work and sometimes it doesn't. I've done extensive Googling and come up with nothing that works. Has anyone overcome this, and if so, how did you manage it? Thanks for any assistance on this.

Stefan Blom

"Keep with next" does work, but note that it applies to *paragraphs*, that
is, if you are using Enter to create vertical spacing between paragraphs,
you have to apply the formatting to the blank paragraph as well.

The recommended approach is to press Enter only once between logical
paragraphs, and make use of Spacing Before on the heading.

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