MultiLine/WordWrap usage



I have a solution in excel where I am displaying statements from a module
(one statement at a time, selected from a listbox) in a textbox. I want the
textbox to display the lines exactly as they are in the module. This is of
particular importance when a statement spans multiple lines in the module,
in which case the line-continuation character (_) ends all but the last
line. In that case, if the lines has more characters than the textbox will
display on a single line (and they usually do when they span multilines), I
want the horizontal scroll bar to appear and the line clipped, while
linebreaks following the line-continuation characters are displayed on a new

Is there any way I can combine the settings of the ScrollBars, MultiLine,
WordWrap, etc. properties in order to get all that accomplished?

Thank you.

Steve Garman

As I read your post,
you do want your textbox to be multiline
you don't want it to wrap and
you want scrolbars (presumably both)

Maybe I'm missing some obvious problem here.


I figured it out, half way into this response. What I did, I had been doing
all along: I had Wrap = false, MultiLine=true, scrollbars=Horizontal.
However, the scroolbar did not show until now that I hit the End key with
the focus on the textbox. Having the focus on the textbox alone didnt
display the scrollbar - the End key made it happen. Thank you for your
response anyway.

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