Multipage vs. Tab Strip


Jerry Bodoff


This is not a problem but a general question. I have
read the help file about Tab Strip and Multipage and am a
little confused.

Could someone please tell me the actual difference, and
maybe an advantage or two, of one over the other? It
seems that I can accomnplish the same task using either

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Jerry B

Peter Hewett

Hi Jerry Bodoff

A Multipage control is intended for use where the controls on each page of the Multipage
control are different. Say page 1 has Order details, page 2 has Product details and page
3 has Customer details. Each of these pages would contain unique controls.

A TabStrip shares the same controls regardless of which tab is selected. Say you want to
look at a bunch of records, obviously each record contains the same fields but not the
same data. You could use a Tabstrip control here and create a "tab" for each record. You
would then write code to display the correct record when it's tab was selected.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

Jerry Bodoff

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your reply. I can see a difference now that
you gave an example.

Jerry B.
-----Original Message-----
Hi Jerry Bodoff

A Multipage control is intended for use where the
controls on each page of the Multipage
control are different. Say page 1 has Order details,
page 2 has Product details and page
3 has Customer details. Each of these pages would contain unique controls.

A TabStrip shares the same controls regardless of which
tab is selected. Say you want to
look at a bunch of records, obviously each record
contains the same fields but not the
same data. You could use a Tabstrip control here and
create a "tab" for each record. You

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