Multiple Account Logging



I recently have moved my office from work to home. My Outlook now ha
multiple accounts, one is the exchange from work, my personal POP3 an
a Hotmail account. All work fine. My question is this: If I use th
exchange mailbox as the location to deliver mail. it becomes th
location for all my personal mail as well. This I cannot have. If
change to personal folders then all my exchange mail is deleted fro
the server. Is there a way to deliver my exchange mail to the exchang
folder inbox and my personal mail to the personal folder inbox. I
appears that Outlook 2002 will not allow that, unless I am doin
something incorrectly. Also, when I set the mail delivery to th
exchange folders it slows Outlook down to a snails pace as all of m
personal mail must first be written to the server at work. Thi
creates several problems, Outlook fails to open larger personal mai
files and many times it shutsdown giving me the program is no
responding message

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