Multiple approvers on a Adminstrative project



Dear all,

Please could you give me the recommendation about administrative
project. We have a programmer pool, some of project manager. The team
structure keep changing, e.g. one programmer report to the project
manager on a project then next project he have to report to another
manager. So I don't think it's good idea to have a administrative
project for one team because of this fact.

Any comments would be appriciated.


Reid McTaggart

The manager of each pool can own the Administrative project for the members
of the pool.


Dear Mr. McTaggart

Thanks for your quick answer. However, I have more question. How can I
assign each staff to a particular member?


Reid McTaggart

The usual approach is that the owner of the plan assigns resources (staff) to
his team using the Build Team feature, and then assigns them to tasks using
the Assign Resources feature.

The exact details of how to build the team depend on your security settings
(Users, Groups, and Categories, and possibly the RBS also).

If you do not understand this, you should get help from a Microsoft
Certified Partner who specializes in Project Server. Or, buy and study one
of the several good books that explain how to use Project Server. You can
find them on by using the search string Project Server.

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