Multiple Calulations using dropdown menu



Hi there all.

I would like help in setting up a worksheet for my company shipping
with FedEX with the following format:

What I have done so far.

I have one sheet which holds data of countries and an allocated scale
code (not unique).

The second sheet has a range of weights. These weights are then
allocated to the scale code to give a pricing amount.

Then i want a third sheet (main sheet) where I have a cell which I can
type the currency rate and add in the weight. Next I can select the
country from a drop down menu and it will calculate the prices in
accordance to two different countries. Say in USD$ and AUS$.

So to recap, I would like to be able to type the currency rate, select
the destination and type in the weight (Kg) and excel will cross
reference all this data and display two shipping prices - one in AUD$
and the other in US$.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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