Multiple Characters in code


Conan Kelly

Hello all,

I would like to know if there is a short hand to repeat characters in code.
For example, if I want to display a message box with text on 2 different
lines I would code it like this:

msgBox "First line of text" & chr(13) & "Second line of text", (options),

What I like doing is making the first line and second line stand out from
each other by separating them with a blank line:

msgBox "First line of text" & chr(13) & chr(13) & "Second line of text",
(options), (title)

Is there a short hand of repeating the "Carrage Return charater"(chr(13)) so
I don't have to type it twice along with extra "&"? Something like "2 *
(chr(13) &)"

Any help any one can offer will be greatly appreciated,

Conan Kelly

Bob O`Bob

Conan said:
Is there a short hand of repeating the "Carrage Return charater"(chr(13)) so
I don't have to type it twice along with extra "&"? Something like "2 *
(chr(13) &)"

Not exactly.
But there is the predefined constant vbCr, so you can use "vbCr & vbCr"

Plus, if you're going to be coding it A LOT, you can create your own user-defined
constant. Here's a portion from the declarations section of a BAS module from an
email program of mine, where I defined quite a few such constructed constants
because I use them a lot:

Global Const cDOT = "."
Global Const cLFDOT = vbLf & cDOT
Global Const cCRLFCRLF = vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Global Const cCRLFDOT = vbCrLf & cDOT
Global Const cCRLFDOTCRLF = cCRLFDOT & vbCrLf



Hello all,

I would like to know if there is a short hand to repeat characters in code.
For example, if I want to display a message box with text on 2 different
lines I would code it like this:

msgBox "First line of text" & chr(13) & "Second line of text", (options),

What I like doing is making the first line and second line stand out from
each other by separating them with a blank line:

msgBox "First line of text" & chr(13) & chr(13) & "Second line of text",
(options), (title)

Is there a short hand of repeating the "Carrage Return charater"(chr(13)) so
I don't have to type it twice along with extra "&"? Something like "2 *
(chr(13) &)"

Any help any one can offer will be greatly appreciated,

Conan Kelly

I use the following....

Public Const vbDblLine As String = vbNewLine & vbNewLine

You then just start typing "vbDbl" and hit the spacebar to let
intellisence fill in the rest for you.

New Vision Software "When the going gets weird,"
Bryan Stafford "the weird turn pro."
alpine_don'(e-mail address removed) Hunter S. Thompson -
Microsoft MVP-Visual Basic Fear and Loathing in LasVegas


VB constants like vbCr and vbCrLf can save you some keystrokes. Also, you
can define your own constants:

Const vbCr2 As String = vbCr & vbCr
MsgBox "line one" & vbCr2 & "line two"

Jonathan Wood

In addition to the other suggestions you've received, you can also use
something like String(2, vbCr).

Gale Green

I would like to know if there is a short hand to repeat characters in code.
For example, if I want to display a message box with text on 2 different
lines I would code it like this:

msgBox "First line of text" & chr(13) & "Second line of text", (options),

What I like doing is making the first line and second line stand out from
each other by separating them with a blank line:

msgBox "First line of text" & chr(13) & chr(13) & "Second line of text",
(options), (title)

Is there a short hand of repeating the "Carrage Return charater"(chr(13)) so
I don't have to type it twice along with extra "&"? Something like "2 *
(chr(13) &)"

Well, vbCr is shorter than Chr$(13). <g>

There's the String$ function but it won't save typing when you're only
talking about two consecutive characters.

String$(2, vbCr) ' 16 chars
vbCr & vbCr ' 11 chars

But it will with three or more...

String$(3, vbCr) ' still 16 chars
vbCr & vbCr & vbCr ' 18 chars

On the other hand, if you're using multiple vbCr characters a lot then
you can use

Private Const vbCr2 As String = vbCr & vbCr
Private Const vbCr3 As String = vbCr & vbCr & vbCr

MsgBox "a" & vbCr2 & "b" & vbCr3 & "c"


Bob Butler

Conan Kelly said:
Hello all,

I would like to know if there is a short hand to repeat characters in
code. For example, if I want to display a message box with text on 2
different lines I would code it like this:

msgBox "First line of text" & chr(13) & "Second line of text",
(options), (title)

Apart from the other suggestions you have gotten, the "proper" way to add a
line break is vbCRLF or vbNewLine or Chr$(13) & Chr$(10). Some things will
accept a lone Chr$(13)/vbCR or Chr$(10)/vbLF but the standard end-of-line on
a PC is both characters with the Chr$(13) first. A multiline textbox, for
example, won't show a line break with just Chr$(13).


I do the following

msgbox FormatMsg("First line of text\n\nSecond line of

FormatMsg is a simple function I wrote that simply replaces the '\n' with a
chr(13) & chr(10)
Comes in very handy in many situations

Chad DeMeyer

String(number, character)

The String function syntax has these named arguments:

Part Description
number Required; Long. Length of the returned string. If number
contains Null, Null is returned.
character Required; Variant. Character code specifying the character
or string expression whose first character is used to build the return
string. If character contains Null, Null is returned.


Adam Clark

How about this,

Make a function or sub that takes two string arguments that feed a msgbox
statement that is already setup. This could give you a great deal of
flexability and make your coding much simpler.



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