Multiple Charts with Time Category



Hi, hard one here, Please help... (Access 2002, OWC 10, VBA)

I've created a PivotChart setup (Access Form) with multiple charts that get
their data from a bound data source (the Form's record source). A typical
example would be a ChartSpace with 2 charts representing different years.
Each of these charts has a time based category formated as quarters of the
year. So I want two charts, each showing the four quarters of the year they

My problem: Each chart's time category begins and ends for the entire set of
data between the two charts. The charts only show column data for the year
they represent (this works right), but have additional quarters from the year
they don't represent. This makes sense for categories that are not time
based, but in my case I need to find a way to hide or remove the quarters
that don't belong in each chart.

Can I do this with a bound data source?

Thanks for taking a look,

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