Multiple column and row duplicate problem



I’ve been trying to find a way to remove duplicates from a database.
The formulas I found work for what they were set out to do, but not
for what I was after.
I have a large database, made from copying and pasting various
As a result many of the terms are duplicated.
Normal remove dupe formulas and functions would work except that the
database has multiple columns:
A: the terms we require
B: the amount of times this term was used
C: certain stats
This can go on for 5 columns example below


Term 1 4234 7653
Term 1 4234 7653
Term 1 4234 7653
Term 1 4234 7653
Term 2 8565 4654
Term 5 4654 7653
Term 3 3543 3607
Term 6 2353 4535
Term 1 4234 7653
Term 1 4234 7653

I need a way to remove all the duplicates so dupes of term 1 and the
corresponding numbers in column b and c are removed and I’m left with
1 unique term 1.
Note Term 1 is not the actual term but just an example.

Thanks a million for any help offered.
Have a great weekend too,

Andrea Jones

Highlight the whole list, including the column headings and use Excel's
Advanced Filter. Put a bullet beside 'Copy to another location', tick the
'Unique records' box and enter the cell to copy the new list to in the space

Andrea Jones


It initially wasn't working for me because the database didn't have
headings. I added column headings and it works a treat. You've made my
work a whole lot easier.

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