Mark B
I need to get a formula for Col D in sheet 1 to tell me that for column A in
Sheet 1
Col B does have a matching TYPE in Sheet 2.
And then, once that is established (or fixed), I need a formula for Col E
which would test both Col A & Col B and confirm that Col C (Cost) matches.
Sheet 1
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E
Trip Type Cost
A Single $100 Yes $ok
A Quad $400 Yes $ok
B Super $200 NO
C Double $300 Yes $NO
Sheet 2
Col A Col B Col C
Trip Type Cost
A Single $100
A Double $200
A Triple $300
A Quad $400
B Single $100
B Double $200
B Triple $300
B Quad $400
C Single $100
C Double $200
C Triple $300
C Quad $400
Sheet 1
Col B does have a matching TYPE in Sheet 2.
And then, once that is established (or fixed), I need a formula for Col E
which would test both Col A & Col B and confirm that Col C (Cost) matches.
Sheet 1
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E
Trip Type Cost
A Single $100 Yes $ok
A Quad $400 Yes $ok
B Super $200 NO
C Double $300 Yes $NO
Sheet 2
Col A Col B Col C
Trip Type Cost
A Single $100
A Double $200
A Triple $300
A Quad $400
B Single $100
B Double $200
B Triple $300
B Quad $400
C Single $100
C Double $200
C Triple $300
C Quad $400