Multiple Combo Box Values



I have a report that I use to make invoices. When an order is ready to be
invoiced, I have a query where I make final changes. My invoice report is
based on this query. The only problem is that if one order has multiple
values for the commodities field, the report prints out one invoice for each
commodity. On every other table, query, or form, those values are separated
by a comma. Is there any way this could happen on my report?

Thanks for your help.

Clifford Bass

Hi Rebeca,

Is this a new report you are creating? Did you create the others? How
about going into design mode on one that works in the fashion you desire and
seeing what was done to get it to report as you desire? Look also at the VBA
code, if any, that is attached to the report. Then replicate the process in
the new report.

Clifford Bass


Thanks Clifford. Your suggestion of going back and looking at the other
properties helped me catch my mistake.

Have a nice day!

Clifford Bass via

Hi Rebeca,

You are welcome. Glad it helped!

Clifford Bass

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