Multiple Consolidated Excel Data Into a PivotTable




I'm trying to retrieve 3 analytical data sets from 3 separate Excel files
into a PivotTable for better manipulation of the results.

In the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard - Layout, only 4 field buttons (to
my surprise!) are shown:
....Count of Value

Q1 : Why are these keywords displayed instead of the actual columns'
headings of the data ? (e.g.; Row is displayed instead of Series)

Q2 : Why are only 4 field buttons displayed in the PivotTable Layout,
instead of the actual (~30) ? Shouldn't one be able to construct the
PivotTable by dragging the displayed field buttons arround the various areas

Q3 : Can one simply displays "Values" in the data area of the PivotTable,
instead of "Summarized by: Sum of Value, Count of Value, Average of Value,
Max of Value, ....." ?

Q4 : Page1 field button has: ( All ) ... Item1 ... Item2 ... Item3
What do Page1, Item1, Item2, ... represent in relation to the columns in the
consolidated data ?
Do "Items" refer to the individual data range, one range in each of the 3 XL
files, before the multiple consolidation ?
(Excel 2003, Windows XP)

Thank you.

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