Multiple Consolidation Range prob



Problem with data not refreshing with new data.

I came across a problem after creating the multiple consolidation ranges, a
worksheet for each day.

A beginner at this, after the pivot table is compiled, running the pivot
table and chart work fine using refresh but adding more data to the source on
the worksheets within the data ranges, the pivot table will not recognise the
new data that is entered into the worksheets after pressing Refresh button.

How can the new data be updated using refresh, or a macro if necessary or
another way? tried to find on

Pivot sources:
Row = Count (the product).
Column = Product catagory (sold on).
Data = The product (sold on catagory & how many sold).

Worksheets (1 for each day):
Product Value Catagory
Vegatables $100 1485
Fruit $400 1401
*New $1000 1234 (will not display in pivot if added in
worksheet later)

The Value is displayed in the catagory table but is deselected and not
required to be displayed but if a new catalogue is entered, it will not show
automatically right in the pivot table as "Show All" is not checkmarked,

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