Multiple constraint dates on 1 activity



I have an activity that can only occur on a 2 weekly cycle, although its
predecessor can happen at any time. For example, currently the predecessor
completes on 12/05 and the activity in question occurs on the 14th, however
if the predecessor slips by 3 days, the next day the activity (a fortnightly
board meeting) can occur is the 28th. Is there anyway of automating this so
the meeting will only occur when required?

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Peter,

Create a special Calendar "Fortnightly Meeting" and set the working days as
need. then assign this calendar to the task : Task Information / Advanced /

Gérard Ducouret


Hi Peter,

As Gerard points out but alternately you can insert a recurring task
[Insert/Recurring Task] for all the fortnightly board meetings. This will
allow you to link either to them all or to any individual task incorporated
in the recurring task list. This may prove a little easier.


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