Multiple copies of access when mail merging?


Mark Simmons


I have a large number of word documents that I mail merge
with an access database. Every time I open my word
documents it opens 3 copies of Access. I know that 1 is
from me setting it as the data source, 1 from choosing the
table for that data source and 1 from when I limit the
records it returns.

It seems the only clean way to stop this is to open the
database via ODBC - which I would be happy to do.

Unfortunately when I try that - at the stage of selecting
the data source it finds the DB and shows my tables and
queries etc., but no fields? This seems to be the same
with using MSQUERY also. I have tried all sorts of things
to make this work, but can't.

Is there any other way to stop multiple copies of access
opening (I have checked that I haven't modded the
caption),or can anyone tell me how to make the ODBC
connection work?

I am using Office Professional 2000.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Mark,
Unfortunately when I try that - at the stage of selecting
the data source it finds the DB and shows my tables and
queries etc., but no fields? This seems to be the same
with using MSQUERY also. I have tried all sorts of things
to make this work, but can't.
Which version of Word and Access are we dealing with?

When you say you don't see any fields, I assume you've
selected the data source file, then ODBC, then done
Options/Views to add the queries to the list of tables,
selected the table or query and now you're looking at the
main merge doucment? And you click the toolbar button that
should show the list of fields?

And it doesn't matter whether you've selected a table or a

Any password protection or other security activated for
this, or any other database on your system?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any
follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail

Peter Jamieson

the data source". If I use MS Query it brings up the
dialog box with the tables/ queries listed on the left
(with little + signs next to them) and blank on the right.
The next button is greyed out. When I try to select the
table or get it to show me fields to add to the right hand
side it shows nothing.

Just in case you're unfamiliar with this dialog and are not clicking the
right buttons...
If you click on the + signs next to one of the tables does a list of fields
appear? Is there a > button between the left hand column (with the tables)
and the right hand column). Is it enabled? If you click it, do some fields
transfer into the right hand column?

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