Multiple copies of To Do's popping up



I have two copies of one to-do coming up in my summary. I know it's
referring to the same page, since I'm grouping by section, and I only have
one copy of these there. When I ctrl-1 or -3 on any one of them to change
them OFF of being a to-do, one copy still remains in the summary. Then when
I activate them again in the notes, the same-positioned to-do comes up in the
summary. So it almost looks like there is some "orphan" to-do in my summary.
How might this happen, and more importantly how is it removed?


Ben M. Schorr - MVP

I have two copies of one to-do coming up in my summary. I know it's
referring to the same page, since I'm grouping by section, and I only
one copy of these there. When I ctrl-1 or -3 on any one of them to
them OFF of being a to-do, one copy still remains in the summary. Then
I activate them again in the notes, the same-positioned to-do comes up
in the
summary. So it almost looks like there is some "orphan" to-do in my
How might this happen, and more importantly how is it removed?


I haven't seen that before. Have you tried just doing a Search on the
To-Do item text to make sure there isn't a duplicate item hiding somewhere?

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
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