multiple criteria in one column VBA urgent need!




i need a vba code

for simple purposes, i create a worksheet

in column A : Company Names
in column B: The sector, company belongs
in column C: Net sales

i want to filter net sales according to multiple criteria

if the sector is food and beverage then show the row if the net sale
above 200
if the sector is Textile then show the row if the net sales above 60
or any other criteria

how do you set multiple criteria in the same column?

thanx in advanc


Norman Jones

Hi Barkiny,

As DM Unseen says, use the Advanced Filter feature.

To employ multiple criteria for a single field, simply use multiple criteria

If this is not immediately obvious, see Debra Dalgleish at:

See particularly, the section entitled: 'Setting up the Criteria Range'

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